Satellite Internet sux
8 December 2012 Filed in: Uncategorized
Just had a great cruise down the Pacific coast of Costa Rica and Panama followed by a transit of the Panama Canal (including spending a night on Gatun lake and a visit to Barro Colorado island). Lots of photographs were taken but only one uploaded as the satellite based Internet service on the ship was unreliable and when it worked slow. While I couldn’t always see a mobile phone signal (and turned airplane mode on to save battery life) it would have probably been a whole lot better than satellite. I could understand why satellite would be problematic in Svalbard but Panama is a mystery.
Now have a StartCom certificate
4 November 2012 Filed in: Update
Finally decided to get a StartCom certificate for my web site, just for WordPress really, and the iPad app now happily connects so I’ll be able to upgrade by blog while I’m travelling with just the iPad.
Blurb photo book of the Land of the Ice Bears cruise
30 August 2012 Filed in: Book | Photography | Travel
I usually use Picpress to create photo books but they don’t provide a way to share a preview of the book online so I’ve created one for the Land of the Ice Bears cruise using Blurb. It has the added bonus of creating an iPad version but I lose the lie flat binding. Anyway I’ve created the book and now just need to wait for my physical copy to arrive to see how it really turned out. Meanwhile I continue going through the images to create a book for Greenland.
Blurb also provide some code to access the preview so I’ve embedded that here to see how that works 🙂
Polar Bears in Svalbard
Just came back from a spectacular cruise with Lindblad and National Geographic Expeditions around Svalbard (the island group north of Norway with the closest permanent settlement to the North Pole).
While a documentary series like the BBC’s Frozen Planet can give you some sense of the beauty and fragility of these places there is nothing like actually being there, feeling the chill wind, the sound of glaciers calving, the smell of bird cliffs, etc. It also provides an opportunity to witness some magnificent sights such as a polar bear drama we witnessed.
In the distance we spotted an old male polar bear lying on the ice. As we drew close we discovered that he had company. Initially we thought that the female bear and cub close to him were waiting by a seal breathing hole but no they were lying there watching the male bear (although strictly speaking Mum was watching the male bear and the cub was watching Mum). The male was lying on what appeared to be a pillow of snow but that too proved to be incorrect as suddenly he pulled a baby beluga whale from the snow. When he did the great reveal and started eating it she challenged him but he saw her off (and her confused/frightened cub). Walking in the far distance were two more bears who nearly instantly changed direction and started to come in our direction. First a young female came to challenge, perhaps indicating how hungry she was and then a young male. Both were scared away by the old, scared male but they all then set up camp not far from him (and us in the ship) to watch for another opportunity. I have no idea how it ended as we moved away while the old male was still eating with his audience of 4 other bears.
Another lazy day in Longyearbyen
7 July 2012 Filed in: Travel
Last full day in Longyearbyen before the NGE cruise begins and of course it’s raining. Not that is a problem as Basecamp has a nice cosy loft area where I can sit with my iPad and listen to the rain. Somewhat glad that I didn’t do a cruise today to one of the Russian settlements as it probably won’t be a whole lot of fun.
Of course the weather changed again and while it’s still brisk the low cloud and rain have passed so it’s back to “pleasant” and wandering around town weather. Went down to the harbour and noticed the signs warning of aggressive Arctic Terns. Sounded a lot like Adelaide’s aggressive Magpies. I saw some at a safe distance so I escaped without a welcome from them. There was a Greenpeace ship in the harbour, no idea why as I’m blissfully news free (well mostly, still trying to keep up with the TdF via twitter 🙂
One last restaurant to try tonight, the one at the Radisson (I’m passing on the pizza joint, although it’s probably excellent).
DNS problems
Discovered why some people (including me here in Longyearbyen) are getting my old web site rather than the new one. It seems that the Internode name servers haven’t updated. Looking closer it seems that Internode is using one to do the transfer and it’s being denied as it’s not one of the actual slaves. Fixed that but it seems that there is a race condition too. Had to update the SOA three times and get my server to send notifys to the Internode server to get it to a state where the rest of the data is up to date. Now need to wait for caches to refresh. Maybe tomorrow…
6 July 2012 Filed in: Travel
Well I made it here and it’s warmer than I expected, a balmy 6C! The intermittent drizzle is a bit annoying but it didn’t stop me from walking up to the western edge of town and back taking photos. Being ultra careful with the D3s after the disaster in the Baltic but it was hard to keep it dry and take photos, especially given I had left its rain jacket in the room. It would be good to be able to add some iPhone photos but that requires the app which hates my self signed cert 🙁
WordPress for iOS hates my self signed certificate
18 June 2012 Filed in: Software
I thought that I would be able to use the WordPress app to write stuff in my blog while I am overseas and not lugging around a laptop but it seems that it doesn’t like self signed certificates. I can be sure though as the diagnostic isn’t particularly informative. It’s not clear which signing authority would be acceptable either.
Using Safari works though, assuming this post makes it 🙂 so all is not lost.
Moving www.mrp.net to a new server
16 June 2012 Filed in: Update
OK I’ve finally bitten the bullet and changed the A and AAAA records and http://www.mrp.net should now use the new web server built using RapidWeaver. Still some work to be done to complete the rebuild (more photos to add, blog entries to fix) but hopefully it’s usable and I’ll fix the broken links as I discover them. It still leaves the mail system to migrate but at least there’s been obvious progress now 🙂
Importing the iWeb blog into WordPress
16 June 2012 Filed in: Uncategorized
Well it turned out to be a whole lot less painful than I expected as you can use iWeb’s RSS feed but you need to change the number of entries in the RSS feed to the maximum (50) otherwise you only get the small number of entries on the main page and none of the archive. Fortunately I had less than 50 posts so I could do it in one hit. Getting the photos embedded in the blog imported was less successful. Some made it but others have gone AWOL and as WordPress wants the images to be smaller than 2MB just dropping copies into the article isn’t just going to work, I’ll need to scale them down individually.